No Sidewalk

A No Sidewalk label should be placed if there is a missing sidewalk where there should be one.

Se debe colocar una etiqueta de "No hay banqueta" si falta una banqueta donde debería haberla.

You should not place No Sidewalk labels in narrow side streets or alleys.

A StreetView image of an intersection missing a sidewalk from one direction
The sidewalk only covers for one street of this intersection.
A Street View image of a road that is missing a sidewalk on the left side
An extended stretch of road where there is no sidewalk
A Street View image of a road with a short stretch that is missing a sidewalk
A short stretch of road where there is no sidewalk

You should not place No Sidewalk labels on a median that separates the two directions of traffic, unless the median has a sidewalk that abruptly ends.

A Street View image of a median that separates two directions of traffic
A median that separates two directions of traffic